I can't count how many times clients come to me with a picture form the net requesting "original" work, but they want it to look that picture. HELLO! That's not original. 

SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE has that same idea no matter what style it's done in. Praying hands will always be praying hands. 

But what if you could have something that represents YOU. Something that WOULD be...


I'm sure you've seen these crests or ones like it. Well, these all tell a stories about either a family bloodline, a civilization, or a manufacturer. So, what if you had your own "crest that represents
YOUR story. YOUR personal "Visual Biography"    


Fallen Angel into the Muse-ik.



Here's an example of one I finished for a client this past Spring. He told me all he wanted was an angel falling and to 'just do me' for the rest. Because we've known each other since high school, I pretty much knew what he would like to go with it. So, that's what came out.

So, now that you've learned how to become  "Officially Original"
call me and let's start today.

216-269-8849 / 718-361-6079


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