Commentary from the Artist

In preparation for my closing, I met some of the most amazing artists last night here in NY, and heard amazing stories of what they had done and accomplished with their art, and I really felt jipped 'cause at 30++, I felt I hadn't accomplished anything. No real shows, no high profile clients, no 100K budgets, no trips overseas.
So, now when I get compliments on my work (especially from artist such as these), it doesn't feel as good as it should because I'm still broke with a long list of short comings as an artist in Cleveland, including gettin work stolen by JULIUS LYLES, losing work to fire, doing murals with payment being the leftover paint to even being hired ($50) to clean the basement of an administrator from the Cleve. Inst. of Art, my alma mata. And I don't mean as a youngster. This has been as early as 5 years ago. Yet a very short resume of successes.
I could feel myself gettin upset, until Miguel (hope I spelled your right), in the midst of scrambling to get ready for this show, stopped, gave me a wide smile and said, " It doesn't matter how long it took. You're here now." And it put things back into perspective for me. I HAVE had many successes, small ones that have led me here that I am truly grateful for. Just none on this level. I've tried hard not to get excited about opportunities such as this, but maybe this is the one. Maybe the excitement is finally warranted. Maybe, just maybe (in the words of Jay Z) "This is MY time." Watch out NY 'cause this C-town boy might take some gettin' used to.
Thanks Miguel.
Oh, Tell Lebron, I want a ring, too.
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